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Improving Lives Blog

Understanding the Mental Health Challenges Faced by Teenage Girls

The teenage years are an important developmental period marked by significant physical, emotional, and social changes. However, for many teenage girls, this time can be particularly challenging due to the prevalence of mental health issues. In this article, we will explore some of the mental health challenges faced by teenage girls, the causes of these …

The Mental Health Crisis Among Teen Girls: What Parents and Caregivers Need to Know

Every time you turn on the news, pick up a paper or magazine, or login on to a computer, you see an article referencing teen girl’s mental health. “American Teen Girls Are in Crisis,” or “The Crisis In American Girlhood.” The Washington Post on February 17, 2023, wrote: “Stark findings on the pervasive sadness, suicidal …

The Stigma of Mental Health in Men: Why Boys Don’t Seek Help

The adage “boys will be boys”,  and the contention, “girls mature faster than boys”, does not account for the explosion of mental health challenges adolescent and teen boys experience. Boys find it hard to make friends. If they are not involved in sports, academic clubs, band, or Advance Placement classes, they are forced to depend …

The Healing Power of Therapy Dogs – A Look at the Benefits

Therapy dogs have been used for years to provide comfort and companionship to people in need. These specially trained dogs are often used in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools to help individuals cope with a variety of physical and emotional challenges. But what exactly are the benefits of therapy dogs, and how do they help …

Lessons in Building Resilience from Oklahoma’s History

Oklahoma’s history is one of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. From the Dust Bowl of the 1930s to devastating tornadoes and the Oklahoma City bombing, Oklahomans have faced many challenges and emerged stronger. In this article, we will explore the lessons in building resilience that can be learned from Oklahoma’s history. One …