Services are FREE for anyone who has Title XIX Medicaid or SoonerCare in Oklahoma


Category Archives: Depression

Understanding Depression: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Are you, or someone you know, avoiding phone calls, failing to respond to the continuous ringing of a doorbell, or letting unopened mail pile up at the door? Is there a lack of interest in things once enjoyed or a refusal to attend school or go to work? Is a once clean home in disarray …

Breaking the Cycle of Feeling Invisible: The Hidden Toll on Mental Health

Feeling invisible, unseen, or unheard can happen in the home, the workplace, a classroom, a doctor’s office, social settings, or when supervising a team of subordinates. Middle children, very young children, women, victims of bullying, religious and racial minorities, the obese, the soft-spoken, and men short in statue often experience invisibility, “the inability to be seen …

Senior Citizens Dealing With Mental Health Illness During the Pandemic

The family is vaccinated, the bags are packed, the car is loaded, and your headed off to your favorite vacation spot. You stop on the way to pick up the grandparents and to your surprise there’s no answer. It’s the first time in over a year you could all be together yet ringing the bell …