Services are FREE for anyone who has Title XIX Medicaid or SoonerCare in Oklahoma


Category Archives: Individual Counseling

Understanding Psychosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

“Holding false beliefs or judgements about external realties that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary” is delusional thinking. Hallucinations, imaginations, visions, illusions, whims, and waking dreams fall into this category as does experiencing something seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or sensed as touch, which isn’t real. The perception of something not present is psychosis, …

Navigating Mental Health: Finding Light at the End of the Tunnel with Improving Lives Counseling Services

“All The Light We Cannot See” is a novel by Anthony Doerr, adapted into a World War II movie in 2014. It is a story of hope and resistance: “the irony of which is the idea that we know what’s coming but we’re still unable to look away.” Abraham Lincoln said, “The fiery trial through …

Journey to Success: A Holistic Approach to Personal Development

Embarking on the path of personal growth is a transformative endeavor, demanding a potent blend of dedication, self-awareness, and relentless effort. This journey, while uniquely personal, shares some common steps that can guide anyone towards success. This article presented by Improve Lives Counseling Services aims to shed light on these crucial milestones, creating a roadmap …

When Enough Is Enough: How to Help a Loved One Who Needs Addiction Treatment

If your family member or close friend is one of the 21 million people in the U.S. dealing with mental illness or substance abuse, then you know how heart-wrenching an experience it can be. Since only one in 10 substance abusers opt for treatment, and only 32% of people experiencing common mental health problems seek …

The Impact of Anti-Transgender Legislation on Client Care

Transgender individuals face numerous challenges in accessing quality healthcare. Unfortunately, the passage of anti-transgender legislation in many states across the US has made it even more difficult for these individuals to receive the care they need. Such legislation can have far-reaching implications for the mental and physical well-being of transgender clients, as well as their …