Services are FREE for anyone who has Title XIX Medicaid or SoonerCare in Oklahoma


Improving Lives Blog

Navigating Parenting Plans and Custody Agreements During COVID-19

Oklahoma, like so many other states, requires parents to maintain Parenting Plans and Custody Agreements, despite the COVID-19 crisis. If this requires children to travel to a different location, or shelter-in-place in a different parent’s home, you and your child might be fearful. You have no knowledge of steps being taken in an ex-spouse’s home …

A Big Thank You

The upcoming holiday season is the perfect time to say Thank You to our team of licensed professional counselors, therapists and clinicians, and our administrative and support teams. Improving Lives Counseling Services would not have experienced the success we have seen throughout 2020 and 2021 had it not been for your ability to quickly and …

Gathering For the Holidays With Family During the COVID-19 Pandemic

According to the “Experts”, gathering with family and friends during the holiday season is again possible with certain stipulations – none of which, unfortunately, involve personal preferences. We are told how to avoid social, economic, and political issues at social gatherings and around the dinner table, however, a discussion on how to communicate personal vaccination …

Forgiveness and How It Can Help With Panic and Anxiety

It’s easy to talk about forgiveness but so difficult to practice it. However, forgiveness offers many advantages. One of which is relieving your stress, pain, anger, and anxiety. If you’re often anxious and struggling to forgive someone but you don’t know where to start, you can gain some useful insights in this article. How forgiveness …

Struggling With Loneliness and Self-Doubt?

Living in fear, feeling lonely, doubting oneself, or what tomorrow will bring effects mental and physical health. Life is not about living someone’s impression of who you should be, what actions you should take, or how you should think. Life is about living in the way that you want, making your own decisions, and taking …