Setting and Keeping Your Wellness Goals in 2023
Posted by Improving Lives Counseling Services, Inc. | Counseling
Every new year that comes around presents an opportunity to set new wellness goals and become an all-new you. Many of us set lofty goals at first, but then we find it hard to keep up with them. The problem is that you need a plan. Here at Improving Lives Counseling, we want everyone to live their best lives, so we have some health goals that you can consider for 2023 and tips for how to stick to your plan until the very end.
Choose Wellness Goals That Are Right for You
There are many health and wellness goals that you can set for yourself in the new year. Think about what you want to change. If you want to get back into exercise, then you could set a goal of running a marathon by the end of the year. If you really want to fit into a certain outfit, then your goal may be to lose a certain amount of weight over the next several months. Some of us have trouble sleeping, and we want to learn how to improve our circadian rhythm. Think about your life and what you would like to change and write it down so you can focus on accomplishing your goal.
Your Goal May Be Returning to School to Sharpen Your Skills
If you love your job, but you would like to advance to the next level in your career, then the best way to do that is by returning to school. By obtaining your degree, you can learn more about your current job and the other positions that may be possible down the line. So, if you are currently a teacher then you can go online and see your options for other degrees that can help you to advance your career. For education, you could get a degree in liberal studies, elementary education, early childhood education, and more. Since you likely need to stay at your existing job, it is a good idea to go to school online. Doing so is a great option because you can take classes on your own time and still get the same degree as the folks that go to school in person.
Get Organized and Clean, Vacuum, and Remove Clutter
The first step that you need to take once you have your goals set is to clean and declutter your home. Not only will doing so allow you to have a presentable house, but by decluttering, you can actually clear your head and remove any unnecessary anxiety you have brewing. By cleaning your house, you are decluttering your mind.
Go room by room and remove the items you no longer need and donate them to charity. Then mop, dust, and vacuum. You also need to remove the harmful dust mites from your home so you can breathe easier. In order to do this efficiently, make sure to regularly clean the filter or replace it if necessary. Complete this task at least every three months.
Set Reasonable Goals
Regardless of if you are setting a goal to lose weight, exercise more, or anything in between, it is important that you make your goals achievable. If you plan to lose weight, then don’t set your goal to losing 50 pounds in a month, or you may be disappointed. Instead, set small-term goals like losing a few pounds per week. That way, when you accomplish each goal, you will have the confidence to keep going.
Remember to Be Patient
Even if you set reasonable goals, it is still possible that you may fall short from time to time, but don’t let that get to you. Instead, just try again and see what you can accomplish next week. Remember that the fact that you are trying to improve your health is already a great mission and that you are doing the right thing for your wellness. When you fail, try and try again.
As you can see, there are many tips and tactics that you can try in order to set and meet your wellness milestones this year. Remember to set realistic goals, declutter your life, and consider returning to school to perfect your craft, and you will see a difference. If you would like to learn more about the services at Improving Lives Counseling, then please contact us at 918-268-7263.