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Lessons in Building Resilience from Oklahoma’s History


Oklahoma’s history is one of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. From the Dust Bowl of the 1930s to devastating tornadoes and the Oklahoma City bombing, Oklahomans have faced many challenges and emerged stronger. In this article, we will explore the lessons in building resilience that can be learned from Oklahoma’s history.

  1. Community Support

One of the most important factors in building resilience is community support. Oklahomans have a long history of coming together in times of crisis. During the Dust Bowl, for example, farmers and ranchers worked together to share resources and support each other. This sense of community has continued in Oklahoma through events such as the annual Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon, which brings people together to remember and honor those affected by the Oklahoma City bombing.

  1. Adaptability

Another key factor in building resilience is adaptability. Oklahomans have had to adapt to many challenges, including extreme weather and economic hardship. During the Dust Bowl, for example, farmers had to find new ways to farm and preserve soil. More recently, after devastating tornadoes, communities have had to adapt and rebuild. This ability to adapt to change and find new solutions has been a key factor in Oklahoma’s resilience.

  1. Positive Attitude

Maintaining a positive attitude in the face of adversity can also help build resilience. Oklahomans have a reputation for being resilient and optimistic. This can be seen in the response to the Oklahoma City bombing, where people came together to support each other and show their strength. This positive attitude can help people stay motivated and focused, even in difficult times.

  1. Preparation

Preparation is another important factor in building resilience. Oklahoma has a history of extreme weather, including tornadoes and wildfires. As a result, many communities have developed emergency preparedness plans and systems for warning and responding to disasters. This preparation can help people feel more confident and secure in the face of potential threats.


Oklahoma’s history provides many lessons in building resilience. Community support, adaptability, positive attitude, and preparation are all key factors in overcoming adversity. By looking to Oklahoma’s history and the examples set by its people, we can learn how to build resilience in our own lives and communities.
