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Dealing with Negative Thoughts

Dealing with Negative Thoughts

Everyone has negative thoughts, it is a part of who we are as humans. The problem comes when we begin to believe these thoughts and allow or permit them to consume our existence.

Throughout the centuries, our sensory organs have responded to the stimuli of a changing world. Although food, clothing, and shelter remain at the apex of basic needs; hopes, wants, beliefs, environmental stimuli, and desire affect our ideas, notions, premonitions, and considerations. Distressing thoughts, negative thoughts, thoughts of self-denial, or a loss of self-esteem is often associated with negative or wrongful mental stimuli – environmentally, economically, historically, or socially imposed. Psychology Today reports the mishandling and misunderstanding of negative thoughts, misguided beliefs, and superstitions, harm the body mentally and physically; in some cases, leading to death. Improving Lives Counseling Services is here to help.

Thoughts are real and have consequences. Controlling thoughts invading daytime activities and nighttime dreams, particularly negative or dark thoughts, can distort reality, influence actions and responses, and adversely affect the mind-body relationship.

Negative or intrusive thoughts in children and adolescents triggered by family, educators, or media can lead to problems in adulthood, social anxiety, Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs), and depression. Uncontrollable fear, racing heart beats, high blood pressure, muscle tension, sleeplessness, and stress can be symptoms of ANTs. Among these manifestations, sweaty hands can be a direct physical symptom of anxiety, often exacerbated by negative thinking. In fact, excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis, often exacerbates negative thinking. This outward sign may indicate deeper mental health challenges. The interplay between sweaty hands and psychological well-being underscores how external manifestations can reflect internal struggles.

Addressing the symptom might offer insight and pathways to tackling the underlying mental concerns.ading daytime activities and nighttime dreams, particularly negative or dark thoughts, can distort reality, influence actions and responses, and adversely affect the mind-body relationship. Negative or intrusive thoughts in children and adolescents triggered by family, educators, or media can lead to problems in adulthood, social anxiety, Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs), and depression. Uncontrollable fear, racing heart beats, sweaty hands, high blood pressure, muscle tension, sleeplessness, and stress can be symptoms of ANTs.

The counselors and therapists of Improving Lives Counseling Services offer cognitive behavioral intervention in individual, family, and group sessions. Protecting the mind-body relationship through Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) promoting healthy thinking, and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), introducing a way to process and gain an understanding of “thoughts”, is effective.

Thoughts are not always true; however, they have meaning, a profound value. Changing core beliefs, turning to alcohol or other drugs, ignoring them, or attempting to wish them away is not the answer. Improving Lives Counseling Services diagnosis and treatment of social anxiety disorders will lead to a happy, healthy life. Call us today.
