It’s hard to avoid facing a loss, it is a part of life and while everyone experiences a loss at some point, each person handles it in their own way.
Our emotions become mixed as a reaction to a loss and these emotions can range from sadness, confusion, and so many others. Many people experience anger, fright, pain, the feeling of being overwhelmed, or are even resentful, among other feelings. Some even look at it as a chapter in their life that has been closed and cannot be opened ever again; this can feel like a huge weight on your shoulders.
This type of distress can be very hard to manage and make us feel that we’ll never recoup or feel better about the loss but what many don’t know is that therapy can make a significant difference for those suffering from a loss.
Everyone should grieve, it is important to accept the loss and move on, but this isn’t always easy. Sometimes the pain doesn’t go away quickly and affects our everyday lives and actions. For those who try to be stronger than they really are, handling a loss this way can take an even bigger toll on you, without you realizing it until it’s all crushing down on your shoulders.
Either way the impact of a loss can stay with us for several years. Through therapy at your time of grieving you might be surprised to find you do need, and have time, to grieve without feeling overwhelmed due to the loss.
If you want a pleasant environment with understanding, professional, and caring therapists you have come to the right place. Many people are surprised to find just how helpful therapy can be once they start. We can keep your honorable and valuable memories intact while helping you overcome your grief and loss.
If you have lost a loved one or experiencing grief, please contact us to learn more about grief counseling or any of our other counseling services. Our compassionate and caring counselors are there to help you!